1-up mushroom, 1up mushroom, allhailskippy, craft, crafting, crafts, Cross stitch, Cross stitch iron on, DIY, DIY Iron On, how-to, HowTo, Iron on, Nerd crafting, Nerd Crafts, nerdcrafting, That's Pauls Show, That's PS!, thatsps, tutorial
Continuing the theme of playing catch up with my older videos, here’s a tutorial I did on making a DIY iron on patch using cross stitch. This would have been way more useful for me to have thought of when I was going to school, since I actually had a bag that I used frequently that could have held more of these. As it is, it seemed to fit nicely onto my computer laptop bag (that I rarely use, since my backpack’s got a laptop slot). Of course a 1up mushroom is just one example of what you can make with this idea. Since cross stitching and 8-Bit graphics go hand in hand, the list of things you can stick to other things is pretty near endless.