13 colonies, Adama, allhailskippy, apollo, Battle star galactica, Battlestar Galactica, boomer, BSG, craft, crafts, crazy glue, cylon, Cylon Raider, cylons, dftba, DIY, gaius baltar, how-to, Julia Nunes, Nerd crafting, nerdcrafting, number six, origami, Paper Craft, papercraft, Pauls show, roslin, saul tigh, skin jobs, Starbuck, That's PS!, thatsps, toy shelf, tutorial, TV

When looking for a Battlestar Galactica themed craft, I originally thought about making my own version in a style similar to the way I made the crafty donut in a previous episode. But after a little searching around, it turns out that someone named NinjaToes had already designed and made available a pattern. I thought this would save me a bunch of time. “It’s already practically done!” I thought to myself. I couldn’t have been further from the truth.
My first attempt at putting this all together ended in complete tragedy. I used white glue, which got all over my fingers, and then I touched the paper, which made a mess of that. And it took a crazy amount of time for the glue to dry. I managed to put together the cockpit before I gave up on that nonsense and cracked out the big guns: AKA gel based crazy glue. Much better choice. Of course I still managed to get crazy glue on my fingers too, but not nearly as bad as the white glue.
Before I started the second attempt though, I decided that rather than cut out what I needed as I needed it, I would instead cut out all of the pieces so that all I had to do was “just” put them together. By the time I had finished cutting all 72 pieces out, including a seemingly endless number of triangle bits, a mere 5 hours had passed and my index finger was pretty badly dented and definitely bruised. It took over a week to stop hurting every time I touched something with the tip of my finger. I’m not trying to complain, just fair warning in case you decide to use an x-acto knife for an extended period of time. Continue reading »